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Most of the Blackpool- British Open Team of 1978 had graduated. 1979 was a rebuilding year with only one carryover from the previous year’s advanced team and so the team stayed closer to home. Yet, in their ranks two future world dance stars- Tom Slater and Marylynn Benitez.  

Members Include BOTTOM ROW: Rhonda Hall, Kathi Komick, SECOND ROW: Betty Arnold, Niles Ritter, Beth Barringer, Malia Carlisle, Chuck Stanislawski, Anne McFeeters, Linda Duarte; THIRD ROW: Harley Wing, Stephanie Gustason, Ned Hunter, Wendy Romagnino, Steve White, Clark Bennett, Phillip Choi, Andy Fong. FOURTH ROW: Suzanne Cheves, Walter Schwayder, Tony Choi, Georgia Libbey, Linda Rodriguez, Marylynn Dispenza, James Brandenburg, Tom Slater; FIFTH ROW: Matt Walker, Edward Escobar, Lenny Chiriboga, Brian De Coad, Kristen Nelson, Steven George, Alice Cardenas; TOP ROW: John Fuller, Marc Haskins, Kim Roley, Enrique Escamilla, Lino deGuzman, Ron Guerrero

1978 Fall Team
1978 Fall Team