welcome to the Legacy Site for

Carol Montez-Bressan Team @Worlds

World Championships Bronze medalists!

Back Row: Bernard Ceballos, Tony Choi, Dan Rann, Nelson del Carmen, Byron Schreiber, Ekapon Phoombour, Richard Orozco, Tom Slater, Randy, Front Row: Linda Duarte, Malia Carlyle, Patricia Lemle, Kerry Clarke, Bonnie Visty, Joan Miles, Maria Orozco,  Marylynn Dispenza, Linda Cunliffe.    

Germany, here we come!

1978 proved that we could pull off a trip to Europe during the school year. Since many of the 78 team had graduated, it took 2 years to rebuild the team to competitive experience. Bremerhaven is a port city on Germany’s North Sea coast. This team though, featured many future champions and professionals including Tom Slater (World Theatre Arts Champion) Bernard Ceballos & Marylynn Benitez (US Amateur & US Pro Rising Star Latin Champions, Pro Finalists), Richard Orozco (US Amateur Latin silver medalist & Amateur Disco gold medalist, teaching professional) & Maria Orozco (US Disco Gold Medallist); Dan Rann (teaching professional), & Linda Duarte (future World’s Team coach)